In recent years, the public is increasingly concerned about the issues and treatment they obtain at the end of life, and there has been an increasing demand for related information and services. The HKFMS Foundation commissioned the Centre for Communication and Public Opinion Survey to conduct a telephone survey (Phase I) in January 2016 in the territory, which covered the public perception and understanding of advanced diseases. Phase II survey was carried out in April 2016 to gather broader views from doctors and other health professionals. A total of 775 members of the public and 779 health professionals responded.
With the aims to raise the awareness within healthcare industry and to gather more idea from healthcare professionals, a roundtable discussion was held on 27 August 2016, with a panel comprising 11 members including Government Representative, leading doctors and nurses, and Patients’ Representative. A proposal was drafted after incorporating comments and suggestions from our Federation Executive Committee, Foundation Directors and the roundtable discussants.
A consortium was set up with a panel comprising experts of different fields to devise strategies and measures of education and services on care at end of life, as well as to raise the awareness of the healthcare industry and public. Another objective of the consortium is to unite different stakeholders and gather broader views and ideas from healthcare professionals, patients and carers.